So Last night I watched true blood in the comm. It seems to be a bit of a ritual forming, and I enjoy it although I would like a spot more warning about when a crazy sex scene is going to appear on the screen. While I was watching true blood I indulged on some crappy chewy lollies. Rookie Error. I diligently put myself to bed early and then proceeded to lay wide awake and twitching slightly for the next hour and a half until the lollies wore off and the college students stopped having what sounded like a rave right outside my door. Even with that introduction to my nights sleep I woke up feeling positively chipper and the thought of eggs on toast for breakfast spurred me out of bed. Alas, when I arrived at breakfast the hot plate had been all cleaned up and I had missed my opportunity for eggs :( Nevermind! I had just right and spent an hour organising life and perusing facebook before heading off to italian.
Wait, do you guys actually want to know all about my day? because that is what I am going to tell you...
In italian I sat with a GIRL -pause for a round of applause- whom I had befriended a week or two ago. Then, get this, I listened to my lecturer talk about fontamara (which is the italian book we are reading at the moment, or not reading as the case may be) for the WHOLE HOUR. ok, 50 minutes..
after that I went up to the Italian seminar. You have to understand that the italian seminar is reasonably stressful. They always say, if you do your reading then tutes will be great, if you dont, they suck. I never do my reading. I try, but when it is in italian and you havve no idea what is going on then it suck a fair bit and I give up and do something else and then have to rock up to the seminar feeling lost*
So I came into my seminar and sat down with my other friend (this one was a guy) and his two friends. they also felt incredibly lost and so we would discuss what needed to be discussed and spent the rest of the time talking about football. My friend remembered where I was from and we all had a bit of a laugh about Essendon standing up an entire town.
Then I went home for lunch, which was reasonably disappointing but a bowl of cocoa pops so cheered me up! (that’s right, my big I-no-longer-live-at-home rebellion is occasionally having cocoa pops for a second lunch.)
So then I tootled my way over to Australian Politics, and had one of the more boring lectures but was still more interesting than all my other lectures, which says something about how engaging Nic Economou is. It amuses me how blatantly pro Melbourne Uni that man is for a Monash Lecturer.
Then I raced Alex up to our fourth floor two hour long German tute. He took the stairs and I took the lift. When I walked into the classroom he was comfortably seated and I had to apologise for being late and sit right up the front at a makeshift desk. Moral of the story, always take the stairs.
So we had a German test and then studied the gender and plurals of nouns. Fun fact: the way germans decide what is female, male and neutral, and the way they pluralise their nouns is COMPLETELY ARBITRARY. So we just have to learn it. Although I learnt a cool new German word today: Trillerpfeife. It means whistle, which I think makes sense.
And then I came home in a good mood and put off doing homework by telling you about my day. Now I am off to Italian tutoring, because this is the first week that I have remembered it!