I am a perfectionist. I want to be an amazing photographer and I am terrified that the excitement I feel in my potential will prove too much pressure and I will stop enjoying this passion and focus on how I am not perfect. Speaking of not perfect,these deliciously overcooked strawberry spongecake butterflies are far from perfect but I love them anyway because they are beautiful and brightly coloured.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Auntie Allison
I have a problem that has been gnawing at me since I went to a
funeral in year 12. Why do we wait until people have passed away to
celebrate and talk about how wonderful they are and all the things we
love about them. a few months ago I wrote a tribute to Barb when she
passed away. I am not sure that Barb would have realised the extent to
which she had an impact on my life and so it made me wonder, why cant I
write a tribute to someone who is still alive? Today I went to the
Camberwell Market with Allison, it was a really wonderful day and as I
was on the train home I was thinking about how much my relationship with
Alli means to me so I thought I would write it down now rather than
wait 50 years and tell people at a pulpit.
Sorry that this is such a morbid beginning, enjoy!
Allison is an amazing aunty and an amazing person.
has loved me unconditionally for as long as I can remember. there are
so many things that I remember loving about visiting Alli. she had a
really cool hedge hog log at her door and she had a tiger that if you
squeezed it hard enough then it would growl. The day that I finally had
the strength to make that tiger growl was when I knew that I has grown
up, I was about 7. I loved that tiger because I loved Richmond. Alli
also really loved that tiger and it always felt like a privilege being
about to hug it. It was perhaps because she was usually so open to
letting me play with things of hers that I knew that if she said I
wasn't to touch it, it really meant DONT TOUCH IT! to this day there are
beautiful breakable balls with a finger sized hole in them sitting at
her front door that I have never ever touched them even though and
perhaps because I have always wanted nothing more than to stick a finger
in the hole and swing the ball around until something goes wrong.
Alli got together with Gerry when I was little enough to idolise people who let me on their shoulders and Gerry became my favourite uncle and sidekick to my equal favourite auntie. there is a whole story about how much I love Gerry but that is for another time.
the really fantastic thing about my relationship with Alli is how effortlessly it changed as I grew up. she used to take me on adventures and show me Melbourne and now I can call her and take her on adventures to the Camberwell market. She has always treated me like an adult which meant that I could always meet her her at whatever point I was at. She has never shied away for challenging me on my beliefs and because of that I know what I believe and why I believe it. Very few 14 year olds get challenged on why they shave their legs. I remember the feeling of pride when I successfully articulated to Alli why I chose to shave my legs, even though lots of my family didn't. she said 'good!' She doesn't care if my opinions aren't the same as hers as long as they are mine and I can defend them. I really respect that about Allison.
I always feel like I can talk to Alli. I have talked to her about religion, dates, travel, study, future, personality and Family. I am sure, had I any need to, I could comfortably nut out problems with sex with Alli and it wouldnt be awkward, it wouldnt be judgy and it WOULD be an overshare. But thats ok, oversharing is a small price to pay for the ability to have an open conversation with someone.
I think feeling truly welcome is an uncommon feeling, many people don't even have it at home. With Alli and Gerry's house I know that if I were ever in a spot of bother at any time of the day or night I could rock up on their doorstep and they would welcome me in with loving arms.
Its Allisons loving, open, sassy, smart and fun personality that has made it a privilege being her niece and I Love her lots and lots.
Its 1.32am, so there is every possibility that this writing is not eloquent, my apologises.
Sorry that this is such a morbid beginning, enjoy!
Allison is an amazing aunty and an amazing person.
Alli got together with Gerry when I was little enough to idolise people who let me on their shoulders and Gerry became my favourite uncle and sidekick to my equal favourite auntie. there is a whole story about how much I love Gerry but that is for another time.
the really fantastic thing about my relationship with Alli is how effortlessly it changed as I grew up. she used to take me on adventures and show me Melbourne and now I can call her and take her on adventures to the Camberwell market. She has always treated me like an adult which meant that I could always meet her her at whatever point I was at. She has never shied away for challenging me on my beliefs and because of that I know what I believe and why I believe it. Very few 14 year olds get challenged on why they shave their legs. I remember the feeling of pride when I successfully articulated to Alli why I chose to shave my legs, even though lots of my family didn't. she said 'good!' She doesn't care if my opinions aren't the same as hers as long as they are mine and I can defend them. I really respect that about Allison.
I always feel like I can talk to Alli. I have talked to her about religion, dates, travel, study, future, personality and Family. I am sure, had I any need to, I could comfortably nut out problems with sex with Alli and it wouldnt be awkward, it wouldnt be judgy and it WOULD be an overshare. But thats ok, oversharing is a small price to pay for the ability to have an open conversation with someone.
I think feeling truly welcome is an uncommon feeling, many people don't even have it at home. With Alli and Gerry's house I know that if I were ever in a spot of bother at any time of the day or night I could rock up on their doorstep and they would welcome me in with loving arms.
Its Allisons loving, open, sassy, smart and fun personality that has made it a privilege being her niece and I Love her lots and lots.
Its 1.32am, so there is every possibility that this writing is not eloquent, my apologises.
Monday, November 4, 2013
I finished my assignment! wanna see? http://prezi.com/0hoepsrpl0l5/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share
I think that schools are doing sex education wrong. I know this isn't a new revelation but I was thinking about a particular way that they could improve.
Surely everyone has seen mentally scarring images of STIs left to rampantly destroy peoples genitals, and most of that is thanks to the scare campaign used by teachers in schools. as much as I love watching year 9 girls crumble under the sheer horror of what could be lurking under peoples clothes I think that this is the wrong tactic to use. STIs are a legit thing, they affect a lot of people. So perhaps in schools we should be showing kids images of what STIs can look like in their infancy so that kids can learn to recognise what an actual STI is and then maybe they can get it sorted out and we can minimise the amount of people affected by these taboo terrors.
just a thought.
I was going to include scarring images but they were too gross, so instead I will put a picture of my internet history..
Surely everyone has seen mentally scarring images of STIs left to rampantly destroy peoples genitals, and most of that is thanks to the scare campaign used by teachers in schools. as much as I love watching year 9 girls crumble under the sheer horror of what could be lurking under peoples clothes I think that this is the wrong tactic to use. STIs are a legit thing, they affect a lot of people. So perhaps in schools we should be showing kids images of what STIs can look like in their infancy so that kids can learn to recognise what an actual STI is and then maybe they can get it sorted out and we can minimise the amount of people affected by these taboo terrors.
just a thought.
I was going to include scarring images but they were too gross, so instead I will put a picture of my internet history..
Monday, October 28, 2013
So this October I have participated in Frocktober, which is where I wear ONLY dresses for the month of October and raise money for research into Ovarian cancer. I have been uploading daily photos to facebook but I thought I would share them on here too.
Day 31: I have 52 dresses, $640 for charity and one month under my belt of wearing ONLY dresses!
Day 30: I bought this dress at a garage sale, the girl selling clothes had the most beautiful dresses, but they were all size 8! This was the only one that fit me.
Day 29: giant old lady dresses are an amazing source of cool fabric, and so much cheaper than spotlight! This is the Clayton's of dresses. The dress you wear when you don't want to be wearing a dress. So comfy!
Day 28: unlike day 19, this was actually my very first dress (voluntary) dress. it was $100 reduced to $10. I wore it to the sweetheart dance when I was a freshman at Fillmore. That night was when I knew that Stephie and I would be best friends and I realised I had such a crush on Cory.
Day 27: I went to Chadstone at the start of the year to try and buy shoes to match a dress that I wanted to wear to Sam's 21st and accidentally bought this new dress instead. in more exciting news i have just about reached my target amount to raise for frocktober! but we should definitely blow it out of the water!
Day 26: This is the first dress I ever altered from the Op-Shop. I got a positive response and I realised that making and altering dresses was something I could do alright.
Day 25: castle day and I'm late! rocking the Op-Shop dress
Day 24: I made this Richmond dress for my football themed 21st. My favourite bit about it is the fully functional zip on the front.
Can you tell I like Richmond a bit?
Day 23: I made today's dress at the start of this year but I really don't care about that because I HAVE A NEW CAMERA AND IT IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING IN THE WORLD!
Day 22: today is dedicated to me telling you how amazing the store H&M is. I love it. I love it I love it I love it! When I travelled in my gap year it was basically a world tour of H&M. This dress was from the American store.
Day 21: I can't go to judo tonight because I have to wear dresses :( this dress is sooo comfy! It was bought with granny birthday money last year
Day 20: this dress affords me zero modesty, when I wear it I just have to accept the fact that everyone will see my bra and Undies. It's hot, so sue me.
Day 19: this dress has so much sentimental value, it was the first non formal dress I ever bought. I remember thinking that it was the happiest most beautiful dress I had ever seen and when I tried it on it fitted perfectly. There is no joy like the moment that zip goes up and you realise it was meant to be.
Day 18: I am soooo sick :( the only thing making me feel better right now is my Nutella toastie and the wedding dress shows on tv. I made this dress and it is the first thing I have ever accidentally shrunk in the dryer. Luckily I made it too big to start with.
Day 17: I tried to wear a different dress to annual dinner but I panicked and changed to this one at the last minute. I think its the nicest dress i've ever made. Ok now I am carsick from uploading this whilst on a party bus
Day 16: I made this dress, My favourite part of it is the red zipper at the back that you cant see in this photo.
Day 15: woaaah we're halfway therre!
This dress is not from the little op shop in Yarrunga, but the little little op shop around the corner from the little op shop in Yarrunga. it cost a whopping $2.
Day 14: For the life of me I could not get a photo I was happy with today, which is odd because I LOVE this dress! it was $10 new from Bridge Rd.
I hope you like the photo because I accidentally made myself motion sick whilst taking it, and now I feel rather poorly :(
Day 13: This dress makes me feel like a fairy princess! I bought it in Germany, where I decided that I don't like museums and art galleries and I was by myself so I went shopping instead. I never buy white things, but this is my favourite exception to that rule.
If you guys want to donate to frocktober don't forget to head to this link
https:// frocktober.everydayhero.com /au/cecelia
Day 12: this is the dress that was decorated at tight write on bright function. It doubles excellently as a nighty for october. Today I care entirely not at all about what I look like, so it finally happened. I wore pyjamas into Mcdonalds.
Day 11: I have had 5 hours sleep, I have to start and finish an assignment today and the INTERNET WONT WORK PROPERLY! I bought this dress in Italy 5 years ago. It was my very first impulse buy and remains the most expensive dress that I own.
Day 10: Committees last function!! Today was the first legitimate challenge I had in frocktober. I REALLY wanted to wear a sparkly leotard to this party but I couldn't #firstworldproblems
Day 9: ever have one of those days that your face refuses to be nice? I hated this dress when I made it, but it is slowly growing on me.
Day 8: this is my root canal dress, I bought it as my reward for getting a root canal. I needed a comfy dress today so I could study.
Day 7: I had my first practical class today. Runners and a dress, not a good look! I think I probably flashed everyone during the vertical jump but they had the good decency not to mention it :)
Day 6: this is my hens night dress, believe it or not it was MORE ugly before I altered it.
Day 5: I know I have enough dresses already but I accidentally bought another one at the op shop today. I think it might be an illness, is there a word for that? Dressophilliac?
Day 4: This is one of my favourite dresses! It is made out of old sunday school songs.
Day 3: ok, so not the best photo. I went to a guy today who worked on my knee. I did not think this through because that dress is quite short!
Day 2: The inconvenience of gardening lay not in the dress but in my inability to use a shovel with bare feet.
Day 1: Victoria is in the clutches of some crazy wind storms, so it was a very immodest start to frocktober.
Day 31: I have 52 dresses, $640 for charity and one month under my belt of wearing ONLY dresses!
To everyone who told me they liked seeing my dresses on facebook, or
donated, Thank-you! the encouragement made this month more fun and a lot
easier than it might have otherwise been.
My last dress is actually
Binnys. I wanted to go out with something interesting, and there is
nothing better than a Princess dress!!
Day 30: I bought this dress at a garage sale, the girl selling clothes had the most beautiful dresses, but they were all size 8! This was the only one that fit me.
Day 29: giant old lady dresses are an amazing source of cool fabric, and so much cheaper than spotlight! This is the Clayton's of dresses. The dress you wear when you don't want to be wearing a dress. So comfy!
Day 28: unlike day 19, this was actually my very first dress (voluntary) dress. it was $100 reduced to $10. I wore it to the sweetheart dance when I was a freshman at Fillmore. That night was when I knew that Stephie and I would be best friends and I realised I had such a crush on Cory.
Day 27: I went to Chadstone at the start of the year to try and buy shoes to match a dress that I wanted to wear to Sam's 21st and accidentally bought this new dress instead. in more exciting news i have just about reached my target amount to raise for frocktober! but we should definitely blow it out of the water!
Day 26: This is the first dress I ever altered from the Op-Shop. I got a positive response and I realised that making and altering dresses was something I could do alright.
Day 25: castle day and I'm late! rocking the Op-Shop dress
Day 24: I made this Richmond dress for my football themed 21st. My favourite bit about it is the fully functional zip on the front.
Can you tell I like Richmond a bit?
Day 23: I made today's dress at the start of this year but I really don't care about that because I HAVE A NEW CAMERA AND IT IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING IN THE WORLD!
Day 22: today is dedicated to me telling you how amazing the store H&M is. I love it. I love it I love it I love it! When I travelled in my gap year it was basically a world tour of H&M. This dress was from the American store.
Day 21: I can't go to judo tonight because I have to wear dresses :( this dress is sooo comfy! It was bought with granny birthday money last year
Day 20: this dress affords me zero modesty, when I wear it I just have to accept the fact that everyone will see my bra and Undies. It's hot, so sue me.
Day 19: this dress has so much sentimental value, it was the first non formal dress I ever bought. I remember thinking that it was the happiest most beautiful dress I had ever seen and when I tried it on it fitted perfectly. There is no joy like the moment that zip goes up and you realise it was meant to be.
Day 18: I am soooo sick :( the only thing making me feel better right now is my Nutella toastie and the wedding dress shows on tv. I made this dress and it is the first thing I have ever accidentally shrunk in the dryer. Luckily I made it too big to start with.
Day 17: I tried to wear a different dress to annual dinner but I panicked and changed to this one at the last minute. I think its the nicest dress i've ever made. Ok now I am carsick from uploading this whilst on a party bus
Day 16: I made this dress, My favourite part of it is the red zipper at the back that you cant see in this photo.
Day 15: woaaah we're halfway therre!
This dress is not from the little op shop in Yarrunga, but the little little op shop around the corner from the little op shop in Yarrunga. it cost a whopping $2.
Day 14: For the life of me I could not get a photo I was happy with today, which is odd because I LOVE this dress! it was $10 new from Bridge Rd.
I hope you like the photo because I accidentally made myself motion sick whilst taking it, and now I feel rather poorly :(
Day 13: This dress makes me feel like a fairy princess! I bought it in Germany, where I decided that I don't like museums and art galleries and I was by myself so I went shopping instead. I never buy white things, but this is my favourite exception to that rule.
If you guys want to donate to frocktober don't forget to head to this link
Day 12: this is the dress that was decorated at tight write on bright function. It doubles excellently as a nighty for october. Today I care entirely not at all about what I look like, so it finally happened. I wore pyjamas into Mcdonalds.
Day 11: I have had 5 hours sleep, I have to start and finish an assignment today and the INTERNET WONT WORK PROPERLY! I bought this dress in Italy 5 years ago. It was my very first impulse buy and remains the most expensive dress that I own.
Day 10: Committees last function!! Today was the first legitimate challenge I had in frocktober. I REALLY wanted to wear a sparkly leotard to this party but I couldn't #firstworldproblems
Day 9: ever have one of those days that your face refuses to be nice? I hated this dress when I made it, but it is slowly growing on me.
Day 8: this is my root canal dress, I bought it as my reward for getting a root canal. I needed a comfy dress today so I could study.
Day 7: I had my first practical class today. Runners and a dress, not a good look! I think I probably flashed everyone during the vertical jump but they had the good decency not to mention it :)
Day 6: this is my hens night dress, believe it or not it was MORE ugly before I altered it.
Day 5: I know I have enough dresses already but I accidentally bought another one at the op shop today. I think it might be an illness, is there a word for that? Dressophilliac?
Day 4: This is one of my favourite dresses! It is made out of old sunday school songs.
Day 3: ok, so not the best photo. I went to a guy today who worked on my knee. I did not think this through because that dress is quite short!
Day 2: The inconvenience of gardening lay not in the dress but in my inability to use a shovel with bare feet.
Day 1: Victoria is in the clutches of some crazy wind storms, so it was a very immodest start to frocktober.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
21 for a whole year!
So I am pretty sure that 100% of the readship of this blog already knows this but there is waay more action going on at www.21cecelia.blogspot.com.au
Just to let you know :)
Just to let you know :)
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Who knew readings could be interesting?
So I don’t know if you know what I want to do when I grow up. Have I
told you? I want to work for the AFL, in conjunction with beyond blue, to try
and eradicate (or at least really really reduce) the homophobic attitudes that
are prevalent in our society, especially in sporting circles. I know that
sounds like a pretty big call given that these values seem pretty well
entrenched but today I found something that gave me hope. I was reading prescribed
article about Yoga and AFL players when I stumbled across this paragraph that validates
my dream as having legitimate potential.
“Tim is encouraged by the response
“Tim is encouraged by the response
perception of yoga in his community,
since an
article appeared in the local
about the Geelong players
yoga. “Most yoga classes are
80 per
cent women,” he says. “But after
article appeared, mothers brought
sons along to class, or their
Some men came off their own
bat. One
woman had been trying for
years to
get her partner to yoga, but after
the article on the fridge, he finally
came and
got lots out of it.” Sometimes,
it takes
a sporting role model to help
long held prejudices; but once
this kind
of gender barrier is down, men
too, can
find that yoga has a lot to offer”
So no guy is going near yoga with a ten foot pole
(exaggeration, yes I know) and then a bunch of footballers say how great it is
and there is a noticeable shift in the perception of men doing yoga in the
community. HOW COOL IS THAT?
It is a terrifying thought that one group can have so much influence, but to use that influence for the betterment of society would be so cool!
It is a terrifying thought that one group can have so much influence, but to use that influence for the betterment of society would be so cool!
Also, I thought you'd appreciate the funny and so thankfully outdated meme.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
not 1000 pieces, actually 1008.
With a harmonica assisting us with sultry tones (well, the sound of me breathing heavily into it, or, at best, an out of tune rendition of the last post) we unintentionally delved into the mesmerizing world of puzzling.
Today we gathered the expert patience of Jocelyn and together we crowded around the puzzle for three hours finishing all but the perplexing greenery at the bottom.
We discovered an added challenge to the puzzle, the carpet! like bobby pins, earrings, mums scarves and small children, puzzle pieces have a knack for completely disappearing the second they hit the carpet. this made for some amusing retrieval operations!
I took some photos of our exploits as proof that puzzling can be an entertaining and social way to spend the afternoon.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Here is a contrast to my last blog post:
I am currently supposed to be doing a group assignment, which is being the absolute end of me so I thought I would procrastinate and also get my head into writing mode by writing a blog post about things that annoy me, because right now I cant think of anything that doesn't.
1, sneezing. No, dont get me wrong I love sneezing (and for all of you who are going to say its because a sneeze is 1/6 of an orgasm, you are wrong. I looked it up.) but what I hate is when your nose gets all stingy and you start crying and all you want to do is sneeze but instead it just fizzles out. I hate that!
2, the internet, or lack there of. If something is going to make us completely dependent on it then the least it can do is be completely dependable.
3, nightmares. they take ages to shake off so you spend the whole day worried that you are going to be abducted.
4, turtlenecks. the perks of looking cute definitely do not outweigh the irritation of having material choking you to death.
5, petrol. that shit is expensive.
6, boys. there is a perception that anyone who does not have a boyfriend must be in want of one and anyone who is happily single is about to get one. maybe its possible to be happily single NOT as a precursor to being swept off your feet.
7, part time work. seriously, who has to make a promotional video to get a job? if I make a video my potential employees will see that I am not nearly cool enough to work at bounce.

8, Baby pandas. are you kidding? no-one could ever hate baby pandas.
9, Richmond. They are letting me down again. This year we were supposed to make finals. and yes, we can beat the bad teams but we have shown no evidence of beating the good teams and there are enough teams with a real chance for the 8 that we need to step up our game if we want some september games.
10. group assignments. I have a hard enough time writing assignments for me. Now I have to write an assignment that is going to have other peoples name on it as well, which means it needs to be perfect. perfect is impossible. why would I attempt the impossible? So now I think that I cant do it and instead of just writing bullshit so we dont all fail I am sitting here bitching about other things that annoy me.
OK, time to do some work.
I am currently supposed to be doing a group assignment, which is being the absolute end of me so I thought I would procrastinate and also get my head into writing mode by writing a blog post about things that annoy me, because right now I cant think of anything that doesn't.
1, sneezing. No, dont get me wrong I love sneezing (and for all of you who are going to say its because a sneeze is 1/6 of an orgasm, you are wrong. I looked it up.) but what I hate is when your nose gets all stingy and you start crying and all you want to do is sneeze but instead it just fizzles out. I hate that!
2, the internet, or lack there of. If something is going to make us completely dependent on it then the least it can do is be completely dependable.
3, nightmares. they take ages to shake off so you spend the whole day worried that you are going to be abducted.
4, turtlenecks. the perks of looking cute definitely do not outweigh the irritation of having material choking you to death.
5, petrol. that shit is expensive.
6, boys. there is a perception that anyone who does not have a boyfriend must be in want of one and anyone who is happily single is about to get one. maybe its possible to be happily single NOT as a precursor to being swept off your feet.
7, part time work. seriously, who has to make a promotional video to get a job? if I make a video my potential employees will see that I am not nearly cool enough to work at bounce.

8, Baby pandas. are you kidding? no-one could ever hate baby pandas.
9, Richmond. They are letting me down again. This year we were supposed to make finals. and yes, we can beat the bad teams but we have shown no evidence of beating the good teams and there are enough teams with a real chance for the 8 that we need to step up our game if we want some september games.
10. group assignments. I have a hard enough time writing assignments for me. Now I have to write an assignment that is going to have other peoples name on it as well, which means it needs to be perfect. perfect is impossible. why would I attempt the impossible? So now I think that I cant do it and instead of just writing bullshit so we dont all fail I am sitting here bitching about other things that annoy me.
OK, time to do some work.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Have you ever had something that you just want to shout from the rooftops and tell the whole world. you want to run down the street singing it and walzing with random bystanders. Maybe you have just had a date with your dream boy (or girl), maybe you're pregnant, maybe you just finished the rubiks cube for the first time, maybe you have just eaten a life changing steak. well, my course is on that level of wonderful. I dont have a rooftop (Mannix is really high and quite slopy and despite all the shenanigans that go on at that place, rooftop meanderings are not one I'm familiar with.) but it occurs to me that I have a blog. it is my metaphorical rooftop. So for all the people who are living in a cave (because that is the only way you wouldn'tve heard yet)
the font cant be any larger, I tried.
I love everything about it.
I love having the half hour commute to class because it gives me time in my own head, which is something mannix doesnt seem to allow.
I love that you can rock up on monday morning and discuss the weekends football until the end of tuesday.
I love that watching youtube videos of sporting injuries is a perfectly legit thing to do in lectures and tutes.
I love that actually no-one cares about ATAR scores
I love that i dont have the shortest attention span in the class
I love that sharing my study secrets (starjumping so I can concentrate properly) is helpul and not met with looks of confusion and derision
I love that in a two hour class at least an hour is running around, and it is serious learning
I love that my assignments are based on relevant issues, such as doping in sports
I love that I get volunteer opportunities with football clubs
I love that I have 9 contact hours
I love that I don't know exactly where this degree will take me but I know that any job I get from it I will love because I love everything about it.
So if you are wondering how I am, I am good. sometimes life feels like you've been hit over the head with a sack full of hardened manure but if you ride it out, good things can happen too. The idea of going back to study after this summer and enjoying it seemed basically impossible and yet it has been the best thing that has happened to me in a VERY long time*.
Anyway, I am going back to study now because I WANT to do that these days, because my degree is excellent.
*this is a big deal because good things happen to me a lot.**
the font cant be any larger, I tried.
I love everything about it.
I love having the half hour commute to class because it gives me time in my own head, which is something mannix doesnt seem to allow.
I love that you can rock up on monday morning and discuss the weekends football until the end of tuesday.
I love that watching youtube videos of sporting injuries is a perfectly legit thing to do in lectures and tutes.
I love that actually no-one cares about ATAR scores
I love that i dont have the shortest attention span in the class
I love that sharing my study secrets (starjumping so I can concentrate properly) is helpul and not met with looks of confusion and derision
I love that in a two hour class at least an hour is running around, and it is serious learning
I love that my assignments are based on relevant issues, such as doping in sports
I love that I get volunteer opportunities with football clubs
I love that I have 9 contact hours
I love that I don't know exactly where this degree will take me but I know that any job I get from it I will love because I love everything about it.
So if you are wondering how I am, I am good. sometimes life feels like you've been hit over the head with a sack full of hardened manure but if you ride it out, good things can happen too. The idea of going back to study after this summer and enjoying it seemed basically impossible and yet it has been the best thing that has happened to me in a VERY long time*.
Anyway, I am going back to study now because I WANT to do that these days, because my degree is excellent.
*this is a big deal because good things happen to me a lot.**
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