Sorry that this is such a morbid beginning, enjoy!
Allison is an amazing aunty and an amazing person.
Alli got together with Gerry when I was little enough to idolise people who let me on their shoulders and Gerry became my favourite uncle and sidekick to my equal favourite auntie. there is a whole story about how much I love Gerry but that is for another time.
the really fantastic thing about my relationship with Alli is how effortlessly it changed as I grew up. she used to take me on adventures and show me Melbourne and now I can call her and take her on adventures to the Camberwell market. She has always treated me like an adult which meant that I could always meet her her at whatever point I was at. She has never shied away for challenging me on my beliefs and because of that I know what I believe and why I believe it. Very few 14 year olds get challenged on why they shave their legs. I remember the feeling of pride when I successfully articulated to Alli why I chose to shave my legs, even though lots of my family didn't. she said 'good!' She doesn't care if my opinions aren't the same as hers as long as they are mine and I can defend them. I really respect that about Allison.
I always feel like I can talk to Alli. I have talked to her about religion, dates, travel, study, future, personality and Family. I am sure, had I any need to, I could comfortably nut out problems with sex with Alli and it wouldnt be awkward, it wouldnt be judgy and it WOULD be an overshare. But thats ok, oversharing is a small price to pay for the ability to have an open conversation with someone.
I think feeling truly welcome is an uncommon feeling, many people don't even have it at home. With Alli and Gerry's house I know that if I were ever in a spot of bother at any time of the day or night I could rock up on their doorstep and they would welcome me in with loving arms.
Its Allisons loving, open, sassy, smart and fun personality that has made it a privilege being her niece and I Love her lots and lots.
Its 1.32am, so there is every possibility that this writing is not eloquent, my apologises.