I have too many clothes. It's a problem that's been plaguing me recently because my room has been messy because there is physically not enough space for all the clothing- and I have the biggest room in the house!

Not to worry though, tonight I figured out the solution. I washed everything I owned, because procrastination, amirate? (it took more than an hours pay at the laundromat)
When it came time to dry it, I flipped off the environment and decided to tumble dry it all. Here is where my ingenious plan comes into action..
I put the dryer on the hot setting and let the clothes participate in a survival of the fittest. If you can't handle the hot setting, you don't deserve to- nor will you probably stand up to the task of- being worn by me. this is where we separate the durable from the high maintenance, the long lasting from the once-offs, the worthy from the pathetic.
I am excited to see who makes the cut, and while I want them all to survive, I know there will be casualties.