Monday, December 19, 2011

disjointed musings at altitude.

So I am nearing the end of my flight to the USA. When I got off at Sydney to connect I realised that I was looking at the front of a very long queue that I needed to be at the back of. Luckily, a girl from my form also happened to be flying to America today (not to be mistaken with tutty, who I knew was coming.) She gave me a sneaky oi and I slid into the front of the line with her. When I got on the plane I checked the back of the seats for a little screen but there was none! My lack of anxiousness regarding how the 13 hour flight would go was directly correlated with my self assurance that there would be little screens.
When I got seated the old man sitting one seat over acquainted himself with me, apparently he is going to a boxing conference with a buddy of his who is sitting directly in front of him. Next to old mans friend are two guys who are either Italian, African, Indian, or a combination of all. They got sloshed and giggled for the WHOLE TRIP. Man giggling, less irritating than beiber fever giggling, more irritating than silence.
It is nearly the end of my trip and I have gotton up ONCE! What is this? This is not the Cecelia we all know. Help I think being on a plane by myself is making me act grown up! Luckily there was a spare seat beside me otherwise I might have just imploded.
The biggest craziness of all was the four hours that I slept for. About an hour in I woke up and worried that someone had stolen my tablet, they hadn't. It was under my pillow, but after that I snuggled it.
I am trying my hardest to refrain from taking a photo out the window because even though I think its amazing, I know with certainty that nobody else cares. Its like standing at the top of a dune and taking a straight on picture of the beach. It is never a pretty as in real life.
So I have figured out how to get around lax with ease and no confusion.
1, wear a reasonably cute plane outfit
2, reasonably early on in waiting in the queue,  pull out a Rubik's cube and casually complete it.
3, wait a few moments then ask a general question pertaining to the customs form.
4, some interested person who has been paying attention to you since the Rubik's cube will try and help you.
5, if they are knowlegable, they will probably be keen to be a helpful as possible the whole way until you part ways.
6, if you aren't yet at you destination, repeat the process.

I know it sounds a lot like manipulative design but i accidentally discovered this method for getting around. A kindly bogan who does this trip twice a month helped me out. He lives halfway between sale and bairnsdale, has kids, and used to play Footy for omeo. Also apparently I am the first person he has ever seen complete the cube.
Flip! What have I done? I was just dreaming, planning this trip around the world and all of a sudden I'm sitting in Chicago. The thought of seeing my friends again is making me hyperventilate.
IM IN AMERICA! I can't just get mum to pick me up when this all turns out to be a terrible idea.
And on another note, I am burning up right now but everyone is wearing jackets and there may be a smattering on snow on the ground outside so I would look a little silly in a singlet.
The Americans can't understand me. I have already got an affected accent trying to let them know that I am from AUStralia and I would like some WAHterr. I have reverted to my old American way of saying than you and I'm not even the whole way across the country and I'm thinking in an American accent.

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