Friday, February 17, 2012

Can it be sunday already please?

So, Today is Saturday. Sunday -tomorrow- I move to Melbourne for University. I hate packing. I hate it. Mum keeps telling me I lack executive function which isn’t really helping me feel inspired to sit in a room on my own and try to organise myself. The problem with moving into a college is this: its like a giant school camp. Remember school camp when you wanted to pack heaps of stuff but didn’t want to show up with waaay more stuff than everyone else and get made fun of? This is like that. Everyone will be trying to haul loads of things into our little rooms whilst simultaneously keeping rogue parents under control and judging everyone else on their ability to multi-task.
At least I can relax now that I know what I am going to wear. What you wear on the first day appears not to be of much concern to anyone except myself. It is a huge deal! A great deal of the aforementioned judging will go towards the clothes a person is wearing. It needs to be comfortable, reflect ones personality, be weather appropriate (which is surprisingly difficult in Melbourne), and be conducive to impromptu floor sittings and get to know you games.
All this is just me letting off steam and sneakily procrastinating more packing.
I should go and pack..

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Wait! Look at me! I swear i'll write more often, i'm sorry, please forgive me!!

I am back in Australia. Ive been back for ages! I feel a little bad, you guys missed the funnest part of my trip but it was so much fun that I didn’t bother writing about it, I was too busy having fun! So I’ll quickly review what I have done in the past 3? Weeks so everyone is up to date:

Played soccer with a bunch of Italian boys.

Humiliated a bunch of Italian boys whilst playing soccer.

Visited San Marino with Sabrina and a friend of Mamas.

Gone on a blind double date in Rimini with Sabrina and two lovely (but devastatingly young) Italian boys named Stefano and Alessio.

Wagged school and spent the day in Verona, eating delicious food and falling in love with the city.

Sprinted for EVERY SINGLE TRAIN that Sabrina and I have had to catch.

Flown to Frankfurt on a flight made up entirely of German businessmen.

Fare evaded and shopped in Frankfurt

Been UPGRADED TO BUSINESS CLASS for the 11 hour flight to China

Tried to lose my luggage in China

Had to adjust back to economy for the 11 hour flight home.

Acquainted myself again with smokin’ Joes, and my family.

Went to a gorgeous wedding and died of heat exhaustion.

Managed to just survive the heat and head for the beach

Spent a week in pure warm bliss

Spent a week desperately slathering on sunscreen trying not to burn my delicate winter skin (failed)

Baked lots of chocolate goodies

Worked at the pub as a kitchen hand and translator for the new Zealander and Italian chefs.

And that more or less brings us up to today. In two weeks I will be moving to Melbourne to start University which is exciting! I will try and update more frequently because I like writing about myself as much as you like reading it :)

Ok, I have to go and clean the kitchen now.