Monday, April 22, 2013


Have you ever had something that you just want to shout from the rooftops and tell the whole world. you want to run down the street singing it and walzing with random bystanders. Maybe you have just had a date with your dream boy (or girl), maybe you're pregnant, maybe you just finished the rubiks cube for the first time, maybe you have just eaten a life changing steak. well, my course is on that level of wonderful. I dont have a rooftop (Mannix is really high and quite slopy and despite all the shenanigans that go on at that place, rooftop meanderings are not one I'm familiar with.) but it occurs to me that I have a blog. it is my metaphorical rooftop. So for all the people who are living in a cave (because that is the only way you wouldn'tve  heard yet)

the font cant be any larger, I tried.

I love everything about it.
I love having the half hour commute to class because it gives me time in my own head, which is something mannix doesnt seem to allow.
I love that you can rock up on monday morning and discuss the weekends football until the end of tuesday.
I love that watching youtube videos of sporting injuries is a perfectly legit thing to do in lectures and tutes.
I love that actually no-one cares about ATAR scores
I love that i dont have the shortest attention span in the class
I love that sharing my study secrets (starjumping so I can concentrate properly) is helpul and not met with looks of confusion and derision
I love that in a two hour class at least an hour is running around, and it is serious learning
I love that my assignments are based on relevant issues, such as doping in sports
I love that I get volunteer opportunities with football clubs 
I love that I have 9 contact hours
I love that I don't know exactly where this degree will take me but I know that any job I get from it I will love because I love everything about it.

So if you are wondering how I am, I am good. sometimes life feels like you've been hit over the head with a sack full of hardened manure but if you ride it out, good things can happen too. The idea of going back to study after this summer and enjoying it seemed basically impossible and yet it has been the best thing that has happened to me in a VERY long time*.

Anyway, I am going back to study now because I WANT to do that these days, because my degree is excellent.

*this is a big deal because good things happen to me a lot.**


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