Wednesday, May 30, 2012

carpet on stairs- Absolute genius!

Oh of course! I didn't post about ball!
The Ball was on last Friday night. Just in case you have images in your head of a classy evening of drinking port and discussing the train wreck that is the labor party I will set the record straight: Ball was held at a club in the city, Ball Park Music played and everyone wore cute little cocktail dresses- except of course the guys who looked extremely dapper in suits. It was an excellent evening. Going into the event I was a little nervous because I rarely drink and spending an evening in a club - whilst sober and with aspergious tendencies towards a dislike of loud music - didn't sound like it would be much fun. I was wrong. It was excellent fun! The band was great, the company was great, the photos of the evening were great and I was supplied with pre paid for lemon lime and bitters all night. There were only a couple of downsides:

Downside number 1: The girls bathroom. I have now discovered the most terrifying place on earth. Drunk girls passing out, getting into my personal space, and screaming (seriously, whats with the screaming girls??) whilst lining up in the GINORMOUS line for the bathroom. when I was at the back of the line I couldn't possibly figure out why it was taking so long to go through people. when I reached the front of the line I figured it out. There were at least 8 cubicles and only two of them were in action. I assume the rest were occupied by girls throwing up, passing out, or having inpromtu DnMs whilst toilet sharing. The turn over of the two active toilets was also incredibly slow because girls have to finish their conversation with their line buddy before using the facilities, no matter how busting everybody else in the line is. Try and sneak ahead of a seemingly distracted drunk girl who is mid conversation and you will find yourself literally thrown out of the way by the girl who is casually meandering closer to the free toilet. Drunk girls, I suspect, are often unaware of how strong they are.

Downside number 2: I wore the wrong heels. I thought I had made a wise decision in picking the shoes that strap onto my feet and absolutely can't come off but in my infantous (I dont know if that is a word but let's say that it is) knowledge and experience of heels I forgot to consider ground contact surface area. The floor of Billboard is VERY SLIPPERY! choosing a heel with a 1cm square point was a recipe for disaster. Luckily I only fell over once directly due to my bad choice of shoes, the other time someone fell onto me and my chair experience similar difficulties to my shoes and so fell over with me on it. On both my descents to the floor I managed to accidentally drag a boy with me. You know, for having two separate boys on top of me throughout the evening, I got very little (that is: no) action on Friday night. Funny thing about having guys land on you when you fall over- It hurts. A lot. I woke up the next morning with all kinds of odd bruises.
Anyway, Here are some pretty pictures from ball..

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