Monday, December 5, 2011

SIX DAYS TO GO! just sayin'

Do you ever go through phases of favourite photos? I do. At the moment my absolute favourite photo is this one.

It was taken at Mums 50th birthday when all the Tyler/Dixon/McInerney Children (the youngest child is 17 and the oldest is 26. Three have university degrees, one has a serious Partner, five are working, four have had teaching positions, and six have their VCE. Hardly Children.)
were hanging out for the first time in a very long time. It was a great time filled with planking, wrestling, ImaginIff, cheating, fart scenarios and lots of raucous laughter. I think we had a better time than the adults did! This is my favourite picture..

And just because I like sharing photos:
Some of my other recent, and not so recent favourites have been..

I designed this last year when life sucked and I thought that people should be more aware. I keep meaning to send it to beyond blue seeing as how I stole their catch phrase and everything..

I wish I had a house so I could put this on the front door. I probably wouldnt actually do it, but I like the idea.

This picture is a bit seedy, which is fitting really. When I look at it usually i've scott a smile.

I always wanted to have a super tight posse of girlfriends. I love this photo because it was taken at a time when I did. Plus, we are gorgeous.

I have this photo framed on my wall. its so silly but it perfectly captured the moment. Jack's getting ready to slap the ribs out of Dylan, Dylan is telling me what he is going to do to me for a dare, patto is thinking that Dylan might actually be serious. Im feeling an acute amount of remorse mostly brought on by the thought of retribution.

I LOVE this picture. Patto is great, that night was great and we both look so happy.

That's all for now, I have things to do!

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