Friday, July 13, 2012

Holidays: 2 weeks of joy, 3 weeks of wishing it were over..

I guess you're wondering why I havent posted in awhile. Its holidays so surely there must be lots of excitement and adventures going down. Alas no. I have spent my holidays doing literally nothing, absolutely NOTHING! I have spent half my time lounging around at home watching that 70's show and getting grumpy at Dad for being in the house and half my time lounging around melbourne getting grumpy that my veins are too small to give blood. and YES, I did drink enough water.
The reason I didnt want to post during the holidays is because all I could bring myself to do was complain, and I have nothing legitimate to complain about and I wasnt keen about coming off as a spoilt uni student. 'Oh woe is me, I get more than a months holidays in the middle of the year with absolutely no homework or responsibility.'
So now we are drawing to a close of the break, only one week to go! Words cannot express how much I want to return to the constant company of young people, that is college.

On another note, 7 months ago, the day before I went overseas, Jocelyn, Emmeline and Myself went and got some glamour photos taken. Not something we would normally do but it was a tonne of fun and we have finally got the photos from it. When we recieved them they had been photoshopped to make us all look ridiculously glamourous and smooth. Inexplicably, they left a giant pimple on my face, maybe they thought it was a monroe piercing?
So today I have spent the morning editing the photos even more, and changing colours and stuff. The originals that were given to us are up on facebook but I thought I would share one or two of my edits :)
Also, I would like to note that while lots of people just click a button that says sepia, I actually manually adjusted the colour balance to achieve that result. Im not sure why I have a high horse about that, I just do.

Gahh I freaking love ^this^ one!

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