Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pleasant Sunday Afternoons

I am back at college now! I have been for a week and words cant express how happy I am to be back. I kept trying to write a blog post but everytime I sat down to write about all the fun things that were happening I would get whisked away to participate in another fun adventure.
I figure while I have time I will tell you about my excellent goldilocks mud filled day!
So I get back to college and go to my room which is mysteriously locked. This doesnt bother me much because my room frequently locks itself, I think its my caring friends who twist the knob on their way out of my room and lock me out. So I manage to manouver the key and open my door and I am greeted with a friend who sits up bolt right in my bed and quickly says 'I can explain!'
It made me chuckle a fair bit coming home to find an occupied bed.
After an explanation from goldilocks we head down to breakfast where I have a cry and a yell and a rant with my Richmond buddies, all who are equally as devastated with last nights result. (Why Richmond? WHY?)
at about 1pm we all head over to the Uni oval for an inter college football match against Queens. Here is the thing about football. I love it.  I love it I love it I love it!! The ground was covered in a giant mud puddle that had a poo-like aroma. It is such an amazing feeling grabbing a girl around the waist and throwing the two of you into the mud and then wrestling desperately for the ball. I played on the ball for a quarter and on the forward flank for two. The ball, it turns out, travels a really long way in the course of a quarter. I tried to keep up but either running in mud is incredibly difficult or I am so unfit I could be out run by a wombat.* I am hoping it is the former.
needless to say that by the end of the game we all had a dark brown hue and a slight odour to us. Although we lost we had an amazing game and were all comparing mud coverings and attempting to hug unsuspecting supporters. When it came time to partake in a sausage in bread, we hard working mud covered footballers discovered the issue of black gritty muddy hands and a complete lack of outside taps. What happened next I am just a tiny smidge proud of, because it is a shadow of my former, more disgusting, self. Another girl and I found a particularly deep puddle  and decided to wash our hands in it. It worked an absolute treat and, with the exception of my poor fingernails, my hands went back to my natural skin colour and I was able to enjoy a vege burger in bread and a knowledge that I will have an immune system of steel.
after the game ended I went home to have a shower. the is nothing quite like a shower after rolling around in the mud. This mud was of a much higher caliber than my regular Wang mud. It would not come off! I literally had to scrub and scrub. occasionally I would find myself scrubbing and realise that it wasn't essence of mud I was trying to get off but rather an oncoming bruise.
so now I am clean safe and sound and I have a grin that I just cant wipe off my face because if I were to be asked about my ideal sunday, this would be it :)

*That was actually a really bad comparison because wombats are deceptively quick. Over a hundred metre stretch they could (if they had the inclination) beat Hussein Bolt. It sound unbelievable but just wait until they make a sprint for your car, then you won't doubt it.

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